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Mr. Kim, Nam Soo Winning Commendation from the Mayor of Seoul






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Mr. Kim, Nam Soo (art critic), the publisher of Monthly Art Korea, won commendation from the Mayor of Seoul on the May 9th. Monthly Art Korea, the only professional modern plastic art magazine of the Korean art world, has paved the ways for the Korean arts to the world, holding several international exhibitions in the major cities in the United States, European countries, China and Russia during last 12 years. Seoul city addressed that it is granting the commendation to Art Korea thanks to Art Korea¡¯s cooperation with the city to encourage civic cultural affairs, contributing especially to the cultivation of Seoul citizens¡¯ aesthetic sentiments and the magazine culture.

Monthly Art Korea established the sisterly relationship with French plastic art magazine UNIVERS DES ARTS (publisher: Patrice de la Perriere / art critic) published in Parris, with the launching of Art Korea. It has been working with the French magazine for the culture and art of both countries, exchanging information among the artists from both countries, studying works comparatively, holding international exchange exhibitions, and introducing artists from both countries. Mr. Kim, Nam Soo who won the commendation from the Seoul mayor has been devoting himself to the press since 1970s. He was in charge of Weekly Reading, Weekly Art World, and commentated MBC TV Culture Travel, KBS TV Art Gallery, and EBS TV Gallery. Mr. Kim, Nam Soo also won major awards such as Korean Magazine Association Journalist Award for Editors, Best New Essayist Award, Korean Modern Art Society Cultural Award, and Art Critique Award (art section / Art and Literature Korea). He also wrote several books including ¡®Election Strategy for the New Generation,¡¯ ¡®The Masterpieces of Modern Korean Paintings,¡¯ ¡®Selections of Korean Modern Artists¡¯ and he is currently writing ¡®Selections of Korean Literary Artists.¡¯


art korea ȸ»ç¼Ò°³ | ±¸µ¶¾È³» | ±¤°í¾È³» | »ó´ã¹®ÀÇ Copyright 1996-2002 Art Korea. All rights reserved. »ó´ã¹®ÀÇ