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- Living witness who has contributed of the creation
of modern Painting in the literary artist's style -

Standing out in his topics, expressing the absolute liberty, dignified heart and freedom

Written by Kim, Nam Soo / Art Critic


Today, Korea's Orient Literary Painting faces the new paradigm shirt, having a lot of issues such as the new ideology, release from the traditional style and the creative theory arrangements for newer contemporary interpretation and so on. Such artist trend and tendency are remarkably observed as the number of population enjoying the Orient Literary Painting increases in Korea.   What is differentiation between the old techniques and contemporary interpretation In a word, it will the important duty for the Korean literary artists to create the new styles based on the old techniques to meet the spiritism and sensitivity of people today. In other words, Korean Orient Literary Painting should receive the evaluation of the new era. Even though several lines, strokes and points make one picture, it does not


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necessarily become any Orient Literary Painting. I want to point out it is not possible to achieve the new approach of the Orient Literary Painting unless there is its differentiation between other type of paintings in the following points: First, expression of Korean identity; second, the expression of personal intention and new shapes in high dignified spiritism from the heart; second, re-coating and doping in the expression and technique.


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However, under the banner of contemporary art, Korea's Orient Literary Painting loses its identity in chaos in reality, only sticking to the materialistic causes to destroy the previous system.

ûúäñ 40.9 x 31.8cm

The Orient Literary Painting is originally achieved based on the artist's own abstract spiritism. Therefore, the completed works should contain the artist's own idea, philosophy, dignified personality and the aesthetic beauty sense.
The reason why the Orient Literary Painting belongs to the higher hierarchy of painting types is because of its difficult level of completion.
As our cover artist, we selected (Gyejung) Min Yi-sik who belongs to the next generation of Orient Literary Painting artists group who had learned from its Korea's first generation such as Suh Se-ok, Jang Woo-sung, Park No-su, Choi Jung-gyun, Kim Ok-jin and so on. Min Yi-sik is considered as the first innovation group that led the contemporary movement in Korea. According to him, their theories had the background to contribute the modernization of the Orient Literary Painting by realizing the absolute release in the topic selection and new intention and shape in the methodology and technique, even though they respect the teaching from their mentors.
They insisted their timely assignments should be to make the Orient Literary Painting be positioned as the professional art


style and genre in Korea after the time when the old Korean gentlemen(called 'Sunbi') enjoyed it as only their leisure hobby.


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For this purpose, Min Yi-sik used to set up the course of 'Orient LIterary Painting' as the honorary professor at a univertiy for the first time in Korea in 1994. Afterwards, the Orient Literary Painting started stretching even to cultural center, life-long art education institute, art school and so on. Moreover, new artists majoring the Orient Literary Painting appear in various contests.

ûúÕ¥ 66 x 51cm

ú¾ìí 54 x 41cm


The Orient Literary Painting is the unique art style appeared only China, Japan and Korea, and features the interaction where the painting may be made based on the poetic idea, and then the poetic idea may be made based on that picture again. It is the art genre requiring high spiritual training indicating high ability both in the poem, painting, and virtue.
As mentioned, (Gyejung) Min Yi-sik is the very artist who created such stereotype of modern Orient Literary Painting. He has searched the in-depth natural national people's artist style widely such as the Four Gracious Plants painting, painting of flowers and birds, portraits, literary landscape painting, Ten Types of Elements Representing Longevity, folk painting and genre painting. In brief, he has steadily pursue the works to inspire Korean's own soul and spirit of Orient Literary Painting regardless of the styles and topics. He has been the leader taking role of creating the art style of modern Orient Literary Painting, by personally repeating the experiments and attempts to use the various Chinese ink colors and studying the painting materials, until the Orient Literary Painting finally paradigm shifted to the first colored painting such as the light Chinese ink painting or colored painting.

1998³â 7¿ù Çѱ¹¹®ÀÎÈ­ Áø·Î ¸ð»öÀ» À§ÇÑ ¼¼¹Ì³ª¿¡ Âü¼®ÇÑ ¹Ì¼úÇùȸ 18´ë ÀÌ»çÀå ¹å¼®¿ø¾¾ÀÇ Ãà»çÀå¸é ¿ÞÂÊÀ¸·Î ºÎÅÍ °ø¿µ¼®, ¹ÚÇຸ, °í ±è¿µÁß, ±¸ÀÚ¹«, ÃÖº´½Ä, ¿ìÁ¦°æ, äȸÀ¯, ¹ÎÀ̽Ä, ±è³²¼ö

ãêà¹Ý¤ 53 x 42cm

He took the leading role to establish the Korea Literary Artists Association as the living witness even contributing to setting up the Orient Literary Painting department in Korean Fine Arts Association.

World of Works
The world of (Gyejung) Min Yi-sik's literary art works contain the vital energy and active strokes. As the literary artist having the new creative sense, he features his works based on his own unique language.
He has excellent description skill portraying anything he wants, and his dignified and purified storks accompany the vitality in one stroke completion, which is in the highest level.
I found the coexisted delicate line drawing and contrary thick styles in one picture were created by his creative attention to accept the contemporary sense, challenging the free and new art style not seen ever before.


He composes his painting space both in representing and abstract style according to the Two-factor theory or relativity principle, which is interpreted as the new attempts to pursue the Yin-Yang theory and origin of literary art painting.

¸ÅóÇÐÀÚ(ØÞô£ùÍí­) 67 x 51cm

In-depth pursuit for the language usage and expressionism style
1970s through 1980s, his studying period is considered as the period when he intensively pursue the Four Gracious Plants painting, literary painting, Ten Types of Elements Representing Longevity, and literary landscaping painting based on the Chinese ink and light ink style. At this time, he knew the expressionism art was created by the literary art and then has spent time in realizing the origin and principle of the literary art by personally repeating many attempts in agony. The art world of (Gyejung) Min Yi-sik deepened in its theme and spiritism in 1990s. He was indulged to the philosophy pursuit for the Doctrine of Mean according to the philosophy of Lao-Tzu and Chuang-tza, and relativity principle of creation and destruction. In his opinion, the best wish is to create his own expression by applying implicitly to the order of universe that does not change even for trillions of years.



Today's modernism is full of word feasts describing the rootless innovation, and we are puzzled over the art climate of unyielding spirit of happening without vitality. Artist Min Yi-sik deeply pursued for wider perspectives through the Taoist philosophy or Zen, because he already knew the painting is acquired by the observation and pursuit with mind's eyes not by the physical eyes.
The aesthetic of image for him was based on his own vision of universe. I think his comprehensive art expresses the eternal order of nature and it was born from the complicated convergence and diffusion by his numerous attempts, desire for various changes, conflict and agony acquired from his life experiences and impulse challenge to approach to the unknown world. The canvas is simply the tool for expression, and his pursued image, shape, theme and idea are positioned in his mind and then ready to take off to another expression space to be symbolized or recreated. In this regard,

1997³â ¿À»çÄ« Àü¿¡¼­, ¿ÞÂʺÎÅÍ 17´ë ¹ÌÇùÀÌ»çÀå À̵νÄ, À̵νÄÀÇ Ã³, ¼­¼¼¿Á, ¹ÎÀ̽Ä, µ¿Çö¾ÆÆ® »çÀå ±èµ¿Çö, ±è°æÀÏ

Chusa's ¡®Yucheonhuihae' philosophy was also based on the literary art spirit longing for the aesthetic of freedom. ¡®Sehando' recognized by the world art as the prestigious painting contains the difficult compositions not solved by contemporary art.

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úÁáþ 53 x 42cm

Nevertheless, in terms of literary painting spirit and idea, erudite scholars and theorists give complements for his works, considering them as the essential completion of literary paintings.
Even though excellent in theories and practices, this artist do not exhibit sufficiently, because of his spiritism wishing to speak only necessary works and words. He earned a lot of foreign currencies through overseas invited exhibitions, but his exhibition in this April is his first interim study exhibition in 20 years in Korea. I am sure that this exhibition will be an inspiration for the milestone.
Gyejung Min Yi-sik makes all-out efforts to achieve the new styles of absolute release through the portrait, landscape, flowers and birds in his technique through the intensive examination to break the existing system to accept the new
  creative viewing methods of Literary Painting. He believes the obstacles to the development of Literary Painting have been the mannerism, imitation and self-losing theory focusing on the influences of China and closed-door attitude.
He is the literary artist believing Confucius' ¡®Hoesahuso¡¯ or Chusa's 'Seogwongi Munjayang(The scent of Good Books)' philosophy. In a word, the core of the Literary art penetrates into his spiritism. This artist insists the stage of dignified human being and the supremacy of utopia live in this philosophy.
Gyejung Min Yi-sik started being dedicated to the Literary painting in full-scale when leaving his professor job in college campus in 2000s. This artist has exhibited a lot of unique works in overseas invited exhibitions. Even though his exhibitions stretch to China, Europe and U.S., and especially in Japan, his popularity is the at the peak these days through 50 exhibitions


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in Tokyo, Osaka, Okinawa, Kyusu, Aomori and Sapporo.
He is the civil messenger who implanted Korean literary painting in Japan and there are considerable numbers of his work collectors and fans in Japan. He is the genuine artist and patriot who earned the foreign currency through art. I am sure he will be recognized also in Paris or New York soon. .
His 20 works in this section, randomly selected from his representative works among Literary Painting Hwamok and Baeksun. Even though he have taught about Four Gracious Plants painting, Ten Gracious Plants painting, Orient Literary Painting and Ten Types of Elements Representing Longevity to his disciples and students, this works in this section were the completion in his own style containing much of art senses quoted from the literary art techniques.

¿õ½Ã(ê©ãÊ) 40.9 x 31.8cm


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In some ways, they may be considered as the normal paintings not the literary artist visually, but were based on the complete literary painting techniques and condensed heart techniques.
We can see that there are greatly appealing artist's image and intentional shape in the works titled, <Gyeryusansu> <Shimsanyugok> <Great Delight> <Two Cranes> <Mileo> <Waterfalls> <Gyesuyuhui> <Dream> and <Hapjang> and so on.

Gyejung Min Yi-sik has been the novel and progressive artist making all-out efforts to create the Korean's own literary painting even though its origin was China. Other numerous related literatures emphasize and respect only China's influences, not the essentials of theory and practice. However, this artist has made all effots to establish natural Korean's own identity. Fortunately, he has marked a major step in create and arrange Korea's literary arts as the living witness taking important role. Moreover, he has been highly evaluated as the mentor of Korea's various elite, and major artists. In 1994, as the honorary professor at Wongwang University, he received high compliment announcing the thesis ¡®Study on the contemporary interpretation and new methodology of Korean Literary Art¡¯.


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• 1982 Á¦1ȸ °³ÀÎÀü (ÀÍ»ê)
• 1984 Á¦2ȸ °³ÀÎÀü (ÀüÁÖ), Á¦3ȸ °³ÀÎÀü (·Ôµ¥¹Ì¼ú°ü)
• 1985 ±¹¸³Çö´ë¹Ì¼ú°ü ÃÊ´ëÀÛ°¡Àü ÃâÇ°
• 1986 Á¦24ȸ ¸ñ¿ìȸ °ø¸ð´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø
• 1987 Á¦4ȸ °³ÀÎÀü (ÀüÁÖ¿¹ÃÑȸ°ü), ÀÎõÁ÷Çҽà ¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø
• 1988 Á¦7ȸ ´ëÇѹα¹¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø
• 1989 Á¦26ȸ ¸ñ¿ìȸ °ø¸ð¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ¿î¿µÀ§¿ø
• 1990 Àü¶óºÏµµ ¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø, ºÎ»ê KBS ¹Ì¼ú°ü °³ÀÎÀü
• Á¦2ȸ ´ëÇѹα¹ ¼­¿¹´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø
• 1991 KBS TV¹Ì¼ú°ü ¹®ÀÎÈ­ 60ºÐ Ã⿬
• 1992 Çѱ¹ ¿ª´ë ¼ö»óÀÛ°¡Àü ÃâÇ° (¿¹¼úÀÇ Àü´ç)
• Çѱ¹ ¼­¿¹ 100ÀÎ ÃÊ´ëÀü ÃâÇ° (¿¹¼úÀÇ Àü´ç)
• 1993 Á¦5ȸ ´ëÇѹα¹ ¼­¿¹´ëÀü ¿î¿µÀ§¿ø
• ¼­¿ï ¼­¿¹´ëÀü ÃÊ´ëÀÛ°¡ ¼±Á¤À§¿ø (¼­¿ï ½Ã¸³¹Ì¼ú°ü)
• 1994 ¼­¿ï ¿À»çÄ« ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü (OASKA GALLERY)
• ¿ø±¤´ëÇб³ ¹Ì¼ú´ëÇÐ ¼­¿¹°ú °´¿ø±³¼ö
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• 1995 ÀϺ» ³ª°í¾ß ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü (EUWON GALLERY)
• 1996 ÀϺ» ¹Ì¼ú¼¼°è ÁÖÃÖ Áö¹Ù ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü, Á¦8ȸ ´ëÇѹα¹ ¼­¿¹´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø
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• 1997 ÀϺ» ¹Ì¼ú¼¼°è ½ÃÁî¿À±î ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü
• 1998 Çѱ¹ ¹Ì¼úÇùȸ ÀÌ»ç ÃëÀÓ(1998-2000)
• 1999 ÀϺ» ¿äÄÚÇϸ¶ ÃÊ´ëÀü, ÀϺ» µ¿°æ ÃÊ´ëÀü
• 2001 °ø¹«¿ø ¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø (ÇàÁ¤ÀÚÄ¡ºÎ), ÀϺ» µ¿°æ ÃÊ´ëÀü, ÀϺ» ³ª°í¾ß ÃÊ´ëÀü
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• 2002 ÀϺ» ¿À»çÄ« ÃÊ´ëÀü
• 2003 ÀϺ» µ¿°æ ÃÊ´ëÀü, ´ëÇѹα¹ ¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü ½É»çÀ§¿ø, ÀϺ» àü˪, ݣߣ, ÑÑ? ÃÊ´ëÀü
• 2004 »ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ Çѱ¹ ¹®ÀÎÈ­ ÇùȸÀü ¿î¿µ ´ç¿¬Á÷, ¼­¿ï¹Ì¼úÇùȸ ¿î¿µÀ§¿ø
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• 2005 ÀϺ» ø¢û , ôìßµ ÃÊ´ëÀü, ´Ü¿ø ¹Ì¼úÁ¦ ¿î¿µÀ§¿ø
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• 2006 Çѱ¹¹®ÀÎÈ­ ´ëÀü ¿î¿µÀ§¿øÀå, ÀϺ» áæÜâ ÃÊ´ëÀü
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Min, Yi Sik

• 1982 The 1st Solo Exhibition (in Iksan)
• 1984 The 2nd Solo Exhibition (in Junju) / The 3rd Solo Exhibition (at Lotte Art Hall)
• 1985 Invited Exhibition of National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
• 1986 Examiner of The 24th Mokwoo Association Contest
• 1987 The 4th Exhibition(at Junju Yechong Hall) / Examiner of Incheon Metropolitan City Art Contest
• 1988 Examiner of The 7th Korea's Art Competition
• 1989 Operating Committee member of The 26th Mokwoo Association Contest
• 1990 Examiner of Chollabukdo Art Contest, Exhibition at Busan KBS Art Hall
Examiner of The 2nd Korea's Calligraphy Contest
• 1991 TV appearance on KBS, TV Art Hall, Literary Art for 60 minutes
• 1992 Exhibited to Korea's best artist in history (Seoul Arts Hall)
Korea's 100 Calligraphy Invited Artist Exhibition (Seoul Arts Hall)
• 1993 Operating Committee member of The 5th Korea Calligraphy Exhibition
Examiner committee member of Seoul Caligraphy invited artists (Seoul Museum of Art)
• 1994 Seoul-Osaka Invited solo Exhibition (OASKA GALLERY)
Honorary professor of Caliography Dept., Wongwang University
Publicized the thesis on contemporary interpretation and new methodology of
Korean literary painting
• 1995 Invited solo Exhibition (EUWON GALLERY), Nagoya, Japan
• 1996 Zhiba invited solo Exhibition sponsored by Japanese Art World
Examiner of The 8th, Korea's Caligraphy Exhibition
Selection Examiner of Seoul Veseto International Calligraphy Artists
Invited Exhibition at Shuval Bach City, Frankfrut, Germany
• 1997 Japanese Art World Shizuoka invited solo exhibition
• 1998 Appointed as director of Korea Art Association(1998-2000)
• 1999 Invited Exhibition, Yokohama, Japan / Invited Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
• 2001 Examiner of Public Officers' Art Contest(Ministry of Gov. Affairs)
Invited Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan / Invited Exhibition, Nagoya, Japan
First committee chairman of Korea Literary Artist Association
Examiner & Operating Committee member of DongA Art Festival
• 2002 Invited Exhibition, Osaka, Japan
• 2003 Invited Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan / Examiner of Korean Art Great Exhibition
Invited Exhibition in Morioka, Toyama and Kanajawa in Japan
• 2004 Advisor of Korea Literary Artist Association / Operating Committee member Seoul Art Association
The 1st Korea-China International Exhibition (Hangzhu, China)
Appointed as the Board of Director of Korea Literary Artist Association
• 2005 Invited Exhibition, Hachinohe, Aomori, Japan / Operating Committee member of Danwon Art Festival
3 Artists Invited Exhibition from Jeju Artist Village(Hyun Byung-chan, Cho Jong-sook, Min E-shik)
Foundation Exhibition for Korea Yemoon Association,
Operating Committee member of Chusa-style calligraphy contest
Invited Exhibition in Sendai, Japan / Invited Veteran Artists Exhibition (Seoul Metro Art Hall)
• 2006 Operating Committee Chief for Korea Literary Art, Daejeon area
Invited Exhibition, Matsumoto, Japan / Invited Artist of World Peace Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China

• Present : Board of Director of Korea Literary Artist Association


art korea ȸ»ç¼Ò°³ | ±¸µ¶¾È³» | ±¤°í¾È³» | »ó´ã¹®ÀÇ Copyright 1996-2002 Art Korea. All rights reserved. »ó´ã¹®ÀÇ