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2006. 11. 1 - 11. 7   ³ªÈ­¶û(Àλ絿)

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                      2006. 11. ¼ÕÁ¤¼÷

ü³ßÌñ«ëù 72.7 x 60.6cm 2006
    øúúÞñ«ëù 2006

ºÒó·³ ºÓÀº ÷¼åÕ 116.7 x 91cm 2006

»î°úÁ×À½ 162 x 130cm 2006

¿ìÁÖÀÇ ëå 91 x 116.5cm 2006




A contemplation of life

Mypicture is no concrete ndt is to say abstract. Iexpress abstactly the realistic phenomenon on base of ivrealistic phenomenon.
   Following the rule of the natural circulation of the universe, everything with life moves constantly. I expressed dynamically suoh a morement.
   The red color on my picture repressents the sun, that is to say the energy. The green is means the vitality, the is to say, the creation. And the white signities the man between the sky and the earth.
   The black line in the picture is a conscience that a wake the origin of life and the inconscience, and the energy. The soul of the artistic world that I pursue is implieated in my pictoric work.
   Always, I'm ashamed of the action of showing mw drawing. But my desire is that a large number of persons could see my exhibition. It's is a duality of aspects of human being isn't it?
   Moders mam who live today is busy. Nevertheless, if a number of visitors appreciate my pictures, I'll be devoted to the artistic creation with more energy from tomorrow.
      Thank you.

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