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Art philosophy of Korean inclination highlighted
in a Mecca for artists of Modern Arts, New York

Kim Nam-su
/ Art Critics

Experts or the worldly great scholars concerned predict that the cultural art is going to lead for the 21st centuries. In one word, the economic order of the world is from the industrial society to the age of high technology, next to the information-oriented society, it comes to meet the turning point changing suddenly, but it is the point that the cultural art would make remarks as the final stronghold for life as well as the infinitely economic thesaurus and the most important strategic product. The status of Korean art is getting different day by day. For the past 10 years, it has been surprisingly developed and extended in the worldly market. As I recall that for a while, Korean art was taken cold treatment to the international orphan or the illegitimate child as the follower of worldly art, I truly feel as if we were separated by an age. That Korean art has not advanced even one step, repeated degradation worse is because it has been wasted the time aimlessly due to being seized with the contrast meeting both toadyism and nationalism to the two matchless great things and the extreme logic whether it is good or not. Even too late, that Korean artists recognized and started to try to find the identity of Korean art seems to be only from the early 1990's.
International surroundings get just by the thought of stern and very utilitarianism. It does not get by private considerations or the proper cause like our convention or habitual practice. Worldly artists should accept the extravagant investment and adventure to make one artist to the worldly famous artist or the popular artist.
They take charge of investment and manage-ment, success

<ñ¦àÉ> 101 x 76.5cm

and failure, up to bankrupt by themselves that anyone can not fill in for them. So the worldly art market is cool, and utilitarian-ism is the life strategy as well as their major premise.

<ÇØÇÐ> 50.5 x 38cm

One time, national well-known picture dealers suddenly became rich that artificially made the popular artists just by the reason that they studied abroad, etc. Seasonal manners been ignorant in the chaos have not been got by now that in other countries, unknown artists took The form of the popular artists, and within the country, the unknown artists distinguished themselves. Because what is called world would be in the development of communication got narrow to the zone of daily life and the sea of information.
Now, there are conservatively estimated about 20 Korean artists approved in the worldly art market. That is mostly the debut of the worldly market through Art Fair or Sample market,

  and Biennale, etc. Of course, for the artists being active in foreign countries, it enables to indicate 10 artists or more such as the late artist, Han Bong-duk taking active works in Stockholm found out directly by the picture dealers of foreign countries for about 20 years and the leading Western picture artist being active in Paris, Ko Byoung-jin, etc.
The cover artist tried to mention in this page, Ojong Ahn Bong-kyu is the Korean leading artist approved that has risen to the worldly stardom that he has entered into New York nothing but just within 9 years. If he had not taken a chance to push into New York, he might have become a Korean ordinary professor at Art College or a full-time artist, so been a unknown artist only living quietly the rest of his life. If the destiny of gourd dippers and bowstrings change because of the place of life people live or the art surroundings, wouldn't it be too severe for God's games. As the artist Ahn Bong-kyu has kept Korean character until the end like the stronghold, he has challenged a Mecca for artists of worldly Modern art market, New York. That he started to attracted attention of famous picture dealers, then was highlighted was the event that has happened even just within 2 years. As mentioned above, if he had not had the disposition and capability, potential energy and possibility, worldly picture dealers would not have invested only one coin or chosen for the artist for him. The reason is that the private considerations or prejudice for them is the severe taboo matters, even they take charge of adventure and success, breakdown or failure by themselves, so the international order is kept very pragmatic realism to the common law. Besides, the purpose of his advance to New York was the fine purpose as he made the department of Orien
tal art newly at New York Mercy College, that was the Korean art education in U.S.A of the messenger being against his will of private division, etc. So he was picked out by foreign picture dealers in New York market, then to the extent the work products were sold as option it enables to consider to be the surprising heroic deed, the remarkable event of the Korean art system.

The issues do not come to the end by them. Ojong Ahn Bong-kyu has taken the special preview in Chelsea Center from Sep. 8th, 2000 to Sep. 24, 2000 that the government support facilities introducing the arts of every Asian countries, specially fine arts field within America, Asian Art Foundation was held and America Cultural Center(Chelsea Center) was managed. Chelsea Center that located in Long Island of New York made up of counties where the rich people concentrate that the first immigrants of America lived is the best facilities of American cultural arts being proud of 200 years' history. And even there are 150,000 members in this Chelsea Center the government manages directly. Most of the members are volunteers connected with the cultural arts and specially there are included great number of worldly collectors. For the past 200 years, the group exhibition of art field has been innumerably invited many times, but private exhibitions are nothing but 5-6 artists, as the Oriental division, Korean artist Ahn Bong-kyu was known that he participated in the preview firstly. the well-known artist who invited ahead of the preview of Ahn Bong-kyu, Sergel Polyakov and the most distinguished international stamp designer of America, Howard Koslow have taken the special exhibition in this display place. Old tradition has passed by that getting through the gate of this preview, then one is certified as the worldly artists. Chelsea Center decided this day to the Korean day, Korean Ambassador and UN Ambassador took parts as well as invitation of well-known guests of American cultural system and as incidental event holding main event, exhibition such as playing the Korean old music, treating Korean own food to the guests, etc., it was just like holding the worldly scaled festival. The managing facility, Chelsea Center side announced that the more than 500 inviters participated in the opening reception. It is regret table for indifferent, cold Korean art surroundings that Korean art system did not find out the capable Korean artist, but picked out in the heart of worldly art, New York, and so on.
And also, Ojong Ahn Bong-kyu has taken the group exhibition Korean Contemporary Art in New York held under Asian Art Foundation and the preview managed by Chelsea Center in New York to set Korean art in New York, U.S.A. in last December, 2001. At that time, participating artists were Chon Young-hwa, Ahn Bong-kyu, Song Su-ryun, Lee Ywal-jong, Chang Sun-yup, and Kim Myoung-sik, etc. In good time, because it was not less than 2 months after 9.11 terror accident, at the request of sponsorship side, punishment and complaint on the terror of mankind, and obtaining of freedom and peace, etc. were named to the sub-title of this group exhibition, it was the unforgettable historical record for participating artists as well as the sponsorship side surely that this exhibition was the first official event impeaching the terror firstly.
What is the meaning of this preview that have taken investing enormous event cost. At first, they display that the heart core of the world art is New York, and show as the actual proofs that the cultural arts for the whole mankind don't make barriers among countries or discrimination. And also, it regards that as this Chelsea Center searches for the worldly artists, policy

<ͯàò÷²> 101 x 76.5cm

considera-tion or preparations is laid that makes Long Island distinct of New York to the world tourist attraction place.

Ahn Bong-kyu's art work world
Robert Rigal(the owner, Ro Gallery) is the worldly collector from Jewish supplying Korean folk story and old picture, and he is the well-known worldly picture dealer that picked out Korean video artist, Baek Nam-joon, Korean woodblock artist, Hwang Kyu-baek, and Ahn Bong-kyu. He came to find the artist Ahn Bong-kyu, bought 3 pieces of art works, and as the option, contracted the provisional contract, then some days later, what contracted the main contract is because of the good eye that the picture dealer sees. For the world famous collectors, it can not exist the proper rule or the private considerations. As mentioned above, but not having practical benefit or chances of success, as they cut the artists, they are worldly art directors, art critics by themselves.
Where is the merit of Ahn Bong-kyu's art work indeed. Art Critics, Shin Hang-sup has already described to writings through his picture book. This page points out and mentions what he has usually felt.
What made of the spiritual subject of Ahn Bong-kyu's art is the philosophy of thought based on the Oriental ideas, that is, it is focused on the young and old thought or Buddhist meditation and good way idea. Surely, what adopts the free modeling method and methodology enables to be the character of Ahn Bong-kyu's art, as well. In other word, in the mode of work and method, searching for the completing liberation escaping fixed frame or restraint, but spiritual theme or motif being in the groundwork is different from being based on the national spirit or the artistic soul. That the artist clearly announced in the

<ÞÖêî> 90 x72cm

preview of Chelsea Center of New York, last time is that painting pictures in India ink were made up of the main subject. Most of New Yorkers get into illusion as if they are standing in the latest Modern art. His molding method choosing to deny blind submission or following and express the Korean character clearly in New York where every experimental art and abstract or set-up and objet d'art dance boisterously is likely to be suitable for being nearly ostracized to tradition and conservation, racialism or nationalism, but it was succeeded that commanded Chinese ink and painting to reveal the identity of Korean art, sublimed the own character of national people and spiritualism to the drawings, specially overcoming the limit of traditional drawing in art mode and methodo-logy, and method, etc., it grafted with world character and set up coexistence, and also succeeded grafting and coexistence of the international order. In other word, in the cool international art surroundings followers or imitation, piracy are not permitted, as the national discrimination and distinguished time sense were joined, the world art trend accepted his art, and also his art work world sang in triumph that fell over the border of theinterna-tional arts. What tries to point out big change among works that he announces in the 2nd preview is appearance of people on the subject of people. Those days, artist Ahn Bong-kyu was the omnipotent one being able to do freely which subject matter given to him such as the Four Gracious plants(plum, orchild, chrysanthemum and bamboo) and painting in the literary artist's style, flower picture and traditional most

  remote regional picture, etc. But the remarkable change for him after advancing to New York was the appearance of human description being wet. The artists dealing with people only, many times among the senior artists are Park Su-keun for oil painting, Lee Eung-ro for Oriental painting, for the life artist, there is 'people' series of Seo Se-ok, but mankind series of Ahn Bong-kyu shows the own unchallenged expression being different from these senior artists in the width and depth, as well. courteous and generous and wet drawing stability with Chinese ink of the drawing using ink and painting express the deep and eternal implicative beauty, wouldn't humanism subjected people, recovery of human character and liberation and humanism completion, etc. be the motive largely appealing in the international painting circles. He is sublimed every shape of human appearance to the art works such as the human image completing symbols or abbrevia-tions reminding the hieroglyphic characters from the units of human individual and steady-increase cell of the smallest form of the sperm becoming protoplasm or the inductor, sitting in Buddhist meditation of Buddhist temple or Buddhist statue, and Bangasayu Statue, etc. being able to regard as the highest reach of the shape beauty of human. When it comes to see the state of a Buddhist or a God, people have been born in this world having the same dignity since their mothers got babies. Though cut from the umbilical cord, so they were crying at their birth, the persistent human nature among people, love not seen like the umbilical cord, affection of love for humanity and peace are into this character picture. Moreover, various subject matters actually shows such as work forming the cloud reminding the long life picture of the folk story, the Buddhist statue being burning and human image to the background, relif work making to press papers in the wooden board of engraving form, and character art, etc. reinterpreting the charm used as the incantatory symbol. They are given the great value that can experience inspiration and consciousness of Koreans through his art works. Ojong Ahn Bong-kyu stood alone by his own ability in the heart of world art, New York, he is Korean art's hope and desire, and ideal. This time, his private announcing exhibition has the meaning of coming back exhibition, however, his lot made sure in New York nearly about 10 years during that times is predicted that will be kept on continuously as the worldly artist.



* ¼­¶ó¹ú ¿¹¼ú´ëÇÐ ¹× µ¿±¹´ë ´ëÇпø Á¹¾÷

* ¼­¿ï¿¡¼­ 1977³â ºÎÅÍ 10¿©È¸ÀÇ °³ÀÎÀü
* Çѱ¹ÀϺ¸ â°£ 44Áֳ⠱â³ä ÃÊ´ëÀü
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* 1984³â ½º¿þµ§ ±¹¸³ µ¿¾ç¹Ú¹°°ü ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü(½ºÅåȦ¸§)
* 1992³â ´º¿å Çѱ¹ÀϺ¸ â°£ 25Áֳ⠱â³ä °³ÀÎÀü(´º¿å)
* 1994³â ÇÑ¹Ì ¹®È­¼¾ÅÍ ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü(´º¿å)
* 1995³â Mercy´ëÇÐ ÃëÀÓ±â³ä °³ÀÎÀü(´º¿å)
* 1997³â Queens µµ¼­°ü °³°ü±â³ä °³ÀÎÀü(´º¿å)
* 1998³â Chelsea Center ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü (´º¿å)
* 1999³â Á¶¼±ÀϺ¸ ÃÊ´ë °³ÀÎÀü(´º¿å)

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* µ¿¾çÈ­ 12ÀÎ ÃÊ´ëÀü(¼­¿ï½Å¹® ÃÊ´ë)
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* Çö´ë¹Ì¼ú ÃÊ´ëÀü(±¹¸³Çö´ë¹Ì¼ú°ü)
* ±¹È¸ °³¿ø 35Áֳ⠱â³ä ÃÊ´ëÀü(±¹È¸ÀÇ»ç´ç)
* Çѱ¹¹Ì¼ú Ưº°Àü(Grand Palais, Paris)
* ¹é»ó¹Ì¼ú´ëÀü(Çѱ¹ÀϺ¸»ç ÃÊ´ë)


* AA(Artist Association International)Àü(Sanfracisco)
* ½ÅÃá µ¿¼­¾çÈ­ ÃÊ´ëÀü(¼­¿ï½Å¹®)
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